Sunday, January 26, 2020
Types and importance of on the job training
Types and importance of on the job training In this chapter, different authors view from different sources will be analyzed with relation to On-the-Job Training. 2.0 Introduction According to Peter Drucker (1999) the most valuable asset of a 21st-century institution, whether business or non-business, will be its knowledge workers and their productivity and he further considered the human resource as being the lifeblood of any successful organization which as a result becomes of prime importance that such asset is cared and well managed. One way through which this can be done is training. Training of employees is an important factor if the organization wants to, obviously, achieves its objectives in an effective and efficient manner. Training is defined by Armstrong (2001) as a formal and systematic adjustation of behavior through learning which occurs as a result of education, instruction, and development and planned experience. On his side, Noe (2002) view training as a planned effort by a company to facilitate employees learning of job related competencies. Moreover, Bentley (1990, p.25) stated that the role of training may be seen as ensuring that the organization has the people with the correct mix of attributes, through providing appropriate learning opportunities and motivating people to learn, and thus enabling them to perform to the highest level of quality and service. Lanciono et al. (2004) highlighted the fact that call centre Managers are concerned about the continuous improvement of employees skill, since the products, technologies, and services that they handle are changing at a rapid pace and as a result call centres are often forced to provide employees who service and sell their product with formal training and opportunities to upgrade their knowledge and skills. 2.1 The effectiveness of training Effective training program helps organization to achieve their objectives. Drummond (1989) put forward the general objectives of training activities as being; orienting new employees to the organization and their job, helping employees perform their current jobs well, keeping employees informed of changes within the organization, and providing opportunities for personal development. Sales and Cannon (2001) pointed out that both theory and practice have improved dramatically trainings effectiveness. Kirckpatrict (1996) further affirmed that effectiveness is a concept that consists of four levels: satisfaction, learning results, job behavior and organizational benefits. The effectiveness of training is not only caused by training characteristics but is also influenced by the trainees characteristics and organizations characteristics. The influence of the supervisor (and sometimes the influence of colleagues) on the effectiveness of training was evident in the work of Brinkerhoft and Montesino et al. (1995). Furthermore, Tracey et al. (2001) asserted that for any training program to be considered as effective, trainees have to learn the training content and then apply such learning in the workplace; thus any training program can be conceptualized as being composed of training acquisition and transfer of training. Walter (1998) further alleged that an effective and efficient on-the-job training program is vital for the development of highly skilled employees needed for business success. Jacobs (2003) lay emphasis that training is more effective when trainees possess the pre requisite knowledge, skills and readiness, including technical background, comfort with the use of tools and equipment, literacy, and previous work experience. Effective training is vital to most call centres. 2.2 Types of training With reference to Dessler (2000) and Treven and Mulej (2000), the most popular training methods used by organizations can be categorized by either: Off the job training, or, On the job training. Off the job training Off the job training is defined by Rothwell and Kazanas (1994) as any type of training that is not performed on the job, that is, training which take place in a classroom and which is designed to train groups of trainees rather than individual. Besides, Lewis and Trevitt (1994) reported that off the job training offers learning opportunity through attendance at training fora away from the job or workplace. There are several types of off the job training and De Cenzo and Robbins (1996) summarized them as follows: Types Description 1. Classroom lectures Lectures design to communicate specific interpersonal, technical or problem solving skills. 2. Video and films Using various media productions to demonstrate specialized skills that are not easily presented by other training methods. 3. Simulation Exercise Training that occurs by actually performing the work ; it may include case analysis, experiential exercise, role playing, or group decision making. 4. Computer base training Simulating the work environment by programming a computer to some of the realities of the job. 5. Vestibule training Training on actual equipments used on the job, but conducted away from the actual work setting. 6. Programmed Instruction Condensing training materials into highly organized, logical sequences. However, Jacobs (2003) pointed out that off the job training often do not have the desired relevance. According to Smith and Smith (2008), in the Australian call centres, the Customer Service Representatives (CSR) undergo an initial off-the-job period of induction which covers the product knowledge required but focuses primarily on telephone techniques. During this session, the CSRs will typically role play telephone calls and listen in to live calls being taken by CSRs in the call centre. 2.3 Definition of On-the-job training (OJT) Smith and Smith (2008) further elaborated that after the induction, the CSRs are placed out into the call centre usually with working with an experienced agent thus by gradually learning how to perform, or is being placed in a configured training teams that will not be subject to the same performance as live teams although the trainee will be working with actual customers. On the job training was claimed to be the most common, the most widely accepted and the most necessary method of training employees in the skills essential for acceptance performance. (Tracey 1971, p.30, reported by S. Jones 1988, p.11). Levine (1997) simply stated that OJT is about two people working closely together so that one person can learn from the other. On his side, Campbell (1990) seen on the job training as the same as in an employees normal work situation, as being designed to change the knowledge, attitude and behavioral patterns directly appropriate to the performance of a given task or job. In addition, Siele (1988) considered on the job training as an informal type of training given to employees at the work place, where the trainer plays the role of the immediate supervisor of the employees and its purpose is to improve the employees working skills, efficiency and productivity. Siele (1988) emphasized that on the job training supplements all other forms of training with the additional advantage of being provided to more people in any given year than it is possible at training institutions. According to Jacobs and jones (1995) and Rothwell and Kazanas (1994), OJT refers to a form of training that occurs at the workplace during the performance of a job rather than in a classroom setting. In addition, Jacobs and Jones (1995) and Rothwell and Kazanas (1994) asserted that this form of training is the most widely used method of delivering training for a novice employee by an experienced employee today and is one of the most important components of learning in the work place. Types of on the job training According to Jacobs (2003), OJT as a form of individualized training, can be designed and delivered using two basic approaches: Unstructured OJT Structured OJT According to various authors, the unstructured OJT is used frequently in most organizations whereas the structured OJT is the most recent application of OJT (Hamilton and Hamilton, 1997; Lawson, 1997; Levine, 1997; Filipczak, 1996; Rothwell and Kazanas, 1994) Unstructured On-the-job training Rothwell (1997) formulated a definition for unstructured OJT as an approach in which learners are thrown into the work and the training is based on daily work requirement rather than the learner/worker needs. Jacobs and Jones (1995) indicated that unstructured OJT occurs when trainees acquire job knowledge and skills from impromptu explanations or demonstrations but others, trial and error efforts, self-motivated reading, or simply by imitating the behavior of others. In addition, Rothwell and Kazanas (1994) acknowledged the fact that unstructured OJT are OJT that is not planned or logically organized; training and learning takes place by trainees performing the work or by watching others performing. However, unstructured OJT is accompanied by loads of criticism. Levine (1997) argued that, as an unstructured system, no criteria are established for the quality of training, nor are records of the training maintained. Along with, Filipczak (1993, p.30) added that unstructured OJT à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦does not enforce common work standard. It does not ensure the trainee will perform the way the trainer says they should be done. It allows the trainee to pick up the trainers bad habits along with his good ones. Filipczak (1993) reported that Martin Broadwell confirms that about ninety five percent of OJT is done so poorly that the job is negatively affected. Equally, several studies conducted by Jacobs and Jones (1995) conformed that unstructured OJT leads to increased error rates, lower productivity and decreased training efficiency. On the whole, just as OJT experts (Hamilton and Hamilton et al., 1997) confirm that most of the OJT that takes place in businesses is unstructured, they agree that unstructured OJT is the least beneficial and least effective type of training. Johnson and Leach (2001) also supported the above statement viewing unstructured OJT as being often ineffective and inefficient as compared with structured OJT. Structured On-the-Job Training According to Stolovitch and Ngoa Nguele (2001), structured OJT differs from unstructured OJT in that a systematic planning process is used to design and carry out the training. Lawson (1997) defined structured OJT as a training which is planned and well organized and a one on one program designed to provide the employee with the relevant knowledge and skills required to perform tasks entailed in the employees job. Furthermore, Jacobs (2003) viewed structured OJT as a planned process of developing competence on units of work by having an experienced employee train a novice employee at the work setting or a location that closed resembles the work setting. Moreover, Baron (1997), acknowledged the fact that structured OJT provides the delivery of training in an organized, sequential manner, with the aim of becoming as efficient as possible. Also Chase (1997) contends the fact that structured OJT is inexpensive, quickly developed, takes place at the work site, and focuses on task that ar e directly related to the job. Equally important, Walter (1996) added that structured OJT can increased quality of training, employee morale, and communication as well as decision making along with employees who are trained in new skills very quickly. Empirically, researchers have demonstrated that structured OJT has helped in making valuable contributions in terms of an increased in productivity of an organization. (Bennett and Calvin, 2002; Jacobs and Osman Gani, 1999; Stolovitch and Ngoa Ngule 2001) Jacobs and Jones (1995) stated that structured OJT has the following main points: A planned process, structured OJT requires an investment of time and effort before it can be used. As a result, trainees should be able to learn the appropriate content and achieve the desired training objectives. Structured OJT focuses on the task level of jobs and does not involve an entire job but rather just a small part of it. Structured OJT should be delivered by an experienced employee with the qualifications to become a trainer, thus not every employee can necessarily become a trainer. Structured OJT usually occurs at the job setting, although in some instances. It may occur near the job setting. Many authors among which feature Jacobs (1999), Jacobs and Jones (1992), Jacobs and Gani (1998), Rothwell and Kazanas (1990), and Scribner and Sachs (1990) have detailed the benefits of structured OJT and these benefits include reduced overall learning time, reduced overall training costs, greater flexibility to the needs of the individual worker, positive relationship building between novices and experienced workers/ superiors, higher transfer rates than those cited for classroom and other formal training, and perhaps most importantly, heightened new-worker confidence. There are, generally, two distinct features of structured OJT compared with classroom training: Firstly, DeSimone and Harris (1998) claimed that a trainee has an immediate opportunity to use and practice what he or she has learned on the job and therefore a trainer can achieve learning objectives more efficiently. Secondly, Jacobs (2003) affirmed that the transfer of learning is enhanced in structured OJT environment, especially in the match between the training setting and work setting; because the learning environment is the same as the work environment in structured OJT, a trainee is able to use the same equipments and tools that he or she is meant to use to perform his or her actual work.   Other studies (Jacobs 1996) have demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of using structured OJT compared with mainly off the job training and unstructured OJT in terms of financial benefits, high satisfaction rating, and fewer quality errors. In complement to, Burkett (2002) showed that employees who learn tasks through structured OJT make fewer quality errors. Moreover, Lawson (1997) put forward that structured OJT is based on adult learning theories and on how and why people learn. Below is a brief overview about what is adult learning about: Adult learning Malcolm Knowles (1978, 1990) was the theorist who first brought the concept of adult learning to a prominent position. Knowles (1990) contends that adults need to control their learning, as well as feel that what they learn has immediate utility, and is focused on issues that directly concern them; adults need to anticipate how they will use their learning, and to expect performance improvement to result from their learning. Knowless (1998) work was among the most guiding one with its six principles of adult learning being summarized as follows: Need to know adults need to know why they should learn something, that is why they need to learn something and how it will benefit them. Self concept adults fight against others imposing their will on them, but having been conditioned through the national school system of a dependent learner, they need to be moved into a self directed learner where they are responsible for their own learning and the direction it takes. Role of experience adults experience should be used in their new learning and the technique should include ways to include the adults knowledge as a tool that they can draw upon and also provide engagement by acknowledging them for their experience. Readiness to learn adults seek out learning as a way to better cope with real life task and problems. Orientation to learn the new learning should clearly define how the new learning will apply to their life in some fashion. Motivation to learn internal motivators are important than the external motivators that adults may receive for more learning. These internal motivators can come in the form of increased job satisfaction, self esteem and quality of life. In similar vein, Birkenholz (1999) asserted that adults with more education have a stronger tendency to participate in adult educational activities rather than those who have less education since as people expand their knowledge base, they also increase awareness of what they do not know. The following table summarizes important characteristics of adult learners and the implications to call center training programs: Adult learners: Implications to call center training programs: Want practical application Develop task-centered and problem-centered training programs. Want their real-life experiences to be recognized and valued Use the learners experiences and examples; develop interactive sessions. Are continuous learners and prefer to manage their own learning efforts Involve learners in development and evaluation of the program; encourage self-discovery and action planning. Have varied learning styles Use multimedia, varied methods of delivery, accelerated training methods. Need to know why they are learning Inform learner of the why behind the training before it begins Are motivated most by internal pressures (themselves) Help learners understand the benefits of training to job satisfaction, self-esteem and quality of life. Source: What Every Trainer Needs to Know About How Agents Learn by Laurie Solomon, published in Call Center Management Review , June 1999. Structured OJT typologies Generally there are four commonly used types of OJT among which features: Job instruction training Mentoring Coaching Job rotation Job Instruction Training (JIT) The JIT consists of four steps which were developed by Allen (1919) to train shipbuilders during World War I (Sleight, 1993). Rothwell and Kazanas (1994) outlined the four steps in the JIT model as follows: Step1 Preparation showing and demonstrating what learners will do; Step 2 Presentation telling learners what they will performed and why; Step 3 Application allowing the trainee the opportunity to practice the skills; Step 4 Inspection checking the trainees work and providing feedback. In addition to Rothwell and Kazanas (1994), Allen (1919) further described in his book that these steps should always be carried out in the order given and that the purpose of step 1 is to get the learner ready to be instructed of step 2 to instruct him of step 3 to check up errors and of step 4 to give a final inspection of the instruction job. However, Ford (1970) argues that the four step model is no longer enough; thus he added two other components objectives and evaluation recognizing that these components are implied by most of the expositions of Job Instruction Training. The amended diagram can be illustrated as follows: According to Ford (1970), the first step is the determination of objectives which describes what the learner will be doing when demonstrating his achievement and how one will know when he is doing it. Even though evaluation is listed as the final step in the model though it is a continuous process. Ford (1970) laid much emphasis that throughout the learning situation, the instructor should reflect on and evaluate each element in terms of the objectives and also he further claimed that evaluation is usually thought of as evaluating the student which in fact is to evaluate the entire learning process as well as a self evaluation of the instructor himself. Job rotation DeSimone and Harris (1998) define job rotation as an activity that involves a series of assignment to different positions or departments for a specified period of time. Wood (1995) added that job rotation is the systematic movement of employees from job to job within an organization, as a way to achieve various different human resources objectives such as: orienting new employees, preventing job boredom or burnout, reward employees, enhancing career development as well as exposing employees to diverse environments. According to Weihrich and Koontz (2002), the basic objective of job rotation is to broaden the actual knowledge of managers or potential managers who are made to move through: Non supervisory work; Observation assignment where they observe what other managers do rather than actually managing the portfolios; Assistant positions in some cases for brief periods in case of unforeseen absences or vacations of other managers. In line with the above statement, Anon (2001) stated that job rotation provides the employee with an opportunity to get a better understanding of the overall company and provide the organization with a more flexible workforce. Jerris (1999) added that excellent job rotation program can minimize training costs while optimizing the impact on training, by making individual in a better position to be flexible, self-motivated, adaptable, innovative, eager to learn and able to communicate effectively. According to Osborne (1996), at the start of job rotation, output may decrease temporarily implying that job rotation does not follow that job interest. DeSimone and Harris (1998) stated that within the job rotation training program, the trainee is evaluated by the trainer at each job, and at the end of training, the trainees evaluation are used as a means to decide in which department or job the trainee will work. Jerns (1999) argued that the possible problems with the job rotation program is that it is costly since job rotation involves a great amount of management time which is spend on lower level employees and it may also increase the work load, thus decreasing the productivity for the rotating employees manager and for other employees. Coaching Smith and Smith (2008) stated that the activities of the trainers after the induction session largely consisted of on-the-job coaching. Harris (1997) described coaching as an informal, unplanned training and development activities provided by supervisors and peers. Albers (1974) views OJT similar as coaching thus defining it as a conscious creation of an environment within which subordinates can learn to become better executives. On his part, Oladunni (1998) added that coaching is those managerial actions and behaviors specifically that focused on developing an employee so that he or she can perform at maximum compatibility. Oladunni (1998) further stressed that coaching maximizes the contribution of both the trainer and the trainee simultaneously and enables the coach to concentrate on other management functions. According to Sullivan (1998) the role of the coach is to facilitate learning as well as guiding learners toward the acquisition of new knowledge or upgrade their skills and equally seeking to influence learners attitudes by acting as a role model or mentor. Mentoring Mentoring, on the other hand takes a more holistic approach and guides the learner through broader aspects of the particular job (Cunningham et al. 2004) Woods and Cortada (1998) view mentoring as a learning relationship in which an individual with knowledge shares that knowledge with his or her colleague. The mentor is usually a supervisor or manager and the intention of mentoring is to support the employees, help orientating them to the job and work environment and preparing the employee for increasing responsibility (DeSimone and Harris, 1998, p.145) Brennan and Little (1996) described the process of mentoring as follows: In the first instance the mentor will be more pro active, supportive and encouraging, but in time the learner develops independence, confidence and autonomy. The mentor then needs to become more critical, challenging and confrontational, encouraging reflection. Effective and lasting learning takes place when learner experience a balance of challenge and support, confrontation and encouragement. Hooling and Resta (2001) support mentorship as a means to improve trainers own professional competency and belief through learning opportunities from trainees in mentoring. Components of a successful Structured OJT Jacobs (2003) held that a system view of structured OJT represents the interaction of several components, such as the training input, training process, the training outputs, and the organizational context. There is no best way to do structured training but however it has been noted that there seem to be some common elements among successful structured system, Levine (1996) stated that the components below may have different significance in different organizations: Management support Levine (1995) maintained the fact that training takes time and that it requires supervisors to allow themselves enough time for preparation and training, with the aim of not thwarting any structured OJT effort; Levine (1995, pp.1) further affirmed that If you cannot gain internal support from the organizations managers and supervisors, dont waste time trying to implement structured OJT. Moreover, Levine (1995) stated that support may come in the form of supplies, funding, materials and recognition of trainers and trainees. On a similar vein, Cleveland and Harne (2003) pointed out that the effect of training in call centres must be understood by all levels of the organizations senior management to ensure ongoing financial support. Formal trainer support process Levine (1995) emphasized that successful system generally have an OJT coordinator, a training manager, or some people outside the work area to provide the support necessary for a trainer; thus may include a dotted line relationship to the training organization. Jacobs (2003) further further put forward that organizations should be prepared to provide additional resources, such as appropriate rewards and incentives, necessary to support trainers in order to manage and develop trainers performance over time. Checklists and OJT training material Checklists is defined by Levine (1994, p.6) as being the foundation of any OJT system. Levine (1997) further lay out that checklists add structure to the training process and they list the specific skills and the employee is checked off as each task is successfully performed. Another document pointed out by Broadwell (1986) is the lesson plan which is intended to guide the training and improve the trainers ability to instruct the trainee. Broadwell (1996) also noted that the lesson plan must include what the trainer will say, show, and do, what the trainee will be expected to do, a timeframe for training, and the job aids and resources that are used in training. Train the trainer Johnson and Leach (2001) advised that prospective trainers are expected to develop training related skills through a train the trainer course. According to Levine (1995), training of the OJT trainer is the key to successful implementation; and that the program should contain high impact activities with the aim of changing trainers behavior from telling to coaching, from demonstrating skills for trainees to performing them with them. Meyer and Marsick (2003) advocated that it is important that the design and delivery, such as conducting needs assessment, developing objectives, creating an agenda, developing instructional event, and evaluating learning outcomes, still need to be included as core components of any train the trainer program. What an effective trainer look like will further be elaborated in the next section. Tracking and Report generation The last component as mentioned by Levine (1996) is tracking and report generation which is an important element for managing the training process as well as for other business reason like the fulfillment of the ISO 9000 quality award and an effective tracking and report generation may also provide valuable information to the stakeholders as well as providing a means of accountability. Smith (1995) stated that it is important to document whether there is a substantial difference between the approaches in the knowledge and skills acquired during the training. An effective trainer Sullivan and Smith (1996) stated that one of the most important elements of OJT training is selecting and qualifying trainers, since according to Harris et al. (2000) the quality of training in the workplace depends to a considerable degree on workplace trainers. As pointed out by Johnson and Leach (2001), OJT supervisors tend to select trainers on the basis of their job experience. However, Walters (2003) argued that even though OJT trainers are subject matter experts and more senior employees as such as they may possessed little competence in how to conduct an OJT program. Johnson and Leach (2001) urge to use expert workers who possess three competencies as follows: Technical competency: this competency is related to the extent to which the trainer possesses a high level of technical knowledge and skills in the area to be taught. Professional competency: this competency has to do with knowledge and skills related to instructional areas including planning, delivery and evaluation of learning. Personal competency: it refers to the personal and behavioral characteristics that influence the way trainers are perceived by others. In supplement to, Jacobs (2003, p.98) proposed two basic requirements that make OJT trainers more effective that is they should have adequate competence in the unit of work that comprises of the training, and they should have adequate competence about the training as trainer. Jacob and Jones (1995), on their side, outlined eight qualities to look for when selecting an OJT trainer. These are: Qualities Brief description 1. Task knowledge and skills The ability to perform the work behaviors at appropriate performance levels. 2. Specialized training Completion of specialized training in the area that will be the basis of the OJT program. 3. Willingness to share their expertise Interest in the development of others. 4. Respect from peers Perception by other employees that the trainer has task expertise, leadership abilities and general problem-solving skills 5. Interpersonal skills Ability to communicate clearly and comprehensively 6. Literacy skills Ability to comprehend resource materials 7. Concern for the organization Showing an interest in helping the organization improve its performance 8. Job expectations Awareness of job expectations and assignments and how these will affect their ability to perform as an OJT trainer In the call centre environment, Akroyd et al. (2006) acknowledged that the supervisor plays an important role, and Therkelsen and Fiebich (2003) argued that a supervisors communication skills are of great importance and that these skills should be a meaningful part of the evaluation process. Strengths and weaknesses of OJT Jacobs (2003) stated that every training program contains its own strengths and weaknesses.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Rap/Hip-Hop: The Effects on Today’s Youth Essay
Abstract Rap/Hip-Hop first became popular among African American and Latinos among youth in the streets of New York during the 1970’s. It was their way of expressing themselves in a friendly manner in the form of speech, fashion, and personal style. Rap/Hip-Hop music was a way for them to get their message out, by telling stories of their lifestyles. However, over the years Rap/Hip-Hop music has become much more popular for its explicit lyrics, reference of drugs, alcohol and sexual explicit videos. Many may ask â€Å"Could Rap/Hip-Hop music have a negative influence on today’s youth, because of its unhealthy messages†? This research paper will examine the effects of rap/hip-hop music on today’s youth and whether or not it has a negative influence. Brenda L. Williams-Capers Professor Dana Taylor English Composition II December 11, 2011 Over the year’s many researchers have conducted studies on the effects of rap/hip-hop on today’s youth. The results have been mixed; however there are indications that some forms of Rap/Hip-Hop music could have negative influence on today’s youth. This is due to the fact that youth start to adapt the negative aspects of the gangster rap, by displaying aggressive behaviors and committing crimes of violence. Rap gets a bad rap because some songs contain explicit lyrics, drugs, alcohol and sex. A study conducted by Ralph J. DiClemente (2003) indicated that teen girls who spend more than 14 hours per week watching the sex and violence depicted in the â€Å"reel†life of â€Å"gangster†rap music videos are more likely to practice these behaviors in real life. Also, this study suggested that those teens were also three times more likely to hit a teacher, over 2.5 times more likely to get arrested, twice as likely to have multiple sexual partners, and 1.5 times more likely to get a sexually transmitted disease, use drugs, or drink alcohol. This is an indication that today’s youth that listen to these songs over and over again for long period of times could have behavior and aggressive issues. Tanner (2009) indicated that there is a sense of injustice that rap is often said to involve young people with the police and courts. The study also indicates that youth who listen to rap music have a stronger connection to property crimes than the crimes of violence, and the likelihood of committing those crimes are probably increased by poverty rather than listening to rap/hip-hop music. In a radio broadcast, Ed. Gordon (2006) mentioned two studies which addressed the effect that rap music has on today’s youth. The first study conducted by The Prevention Research Center of the Pacific instituted for Research and Evaluation in Berkeley, Calif., indicated that rap songs were linked to alcohol addictions, drug use, and violence among youth. Also, a study conducted by The Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth, Georgetown University, also suggested that youths are exposure to alcohol thought targeted marketing advertising for beer and ale by 66 percent for youth between the age of 12-20 and 81 percent market exposure to distilled spirits. Nearly two-thirds of rap songs mentioned illicit drugs and nearly half of rap songs mentioned alcohol compared to other types of music. The overexposure to alcohol was connected to cognacs and brandies, both which are linked lyrics in hip-hop and rap music, which rappers glorify and advertise in their songs. Rap music is also used to advertise clothing, sneakers, and cars. Rappers are walking billboards and today’s youth want that same swagger. Cited in The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter (2003), a study was conducted by a group of researchers from Iowa State University and The Texas Department of Human Services who examined over 500 students who had listened to seven violent songs and eight non-violent songs. This study measured student’s aggressive thoughts and their feelings. The results were that violent songs led to more aggressive interpretation of words that also increased the speed in which the students read aggressive vs. non-aggressive works and increased the proportion of word fragments that filled in to make aggressive words. Their study also indicated that the violent songs increased violent thoughts causing youth to act out. The popularity of Rap/Hip-Hop music and Hip/Hop styles has now reached the Middle East. Iraqis youth in are now starting to imitate hip-hop lifestyles of American soldiers. Youth have now started to adapt hip-hop styles such as, dancing, wearing baggy pants, slangy English, and cutting $ signs into their close cropped hair. Tattoos are now also becoming popular among Iraqis youth. This goes against Islam’s strictures on baring their skin. Not all Iraqis welcome the culture of the American Hip/Hop style, because they feel that Iraqis youth are now beginning to reject authority and other forbidden behaviors, like engaging in forbidden love affairs. Iraqis youth feel that their eyes are now open to the outside world since living under Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship. Iraqis youth are now also starting to use the internet and are watching satellite TV, which allows them better understanding of American cultures, both positive and negative aspects. In a book written by Michael Dyson, â€Å"Reflecting Black: African-American Cultural Criticism. He addressed the question†Is Rap music really as dangerous as many critics argue:†Michael Dyson (1993) states that Rap music is a form of profound musical, cultural, and social creativity. He also stated that Rap music expresses the desire of young black people to reclaim their history. He defenses the negative impact on Rap/ Hip-hop music, which the general public claims that Rap/Hip-Hop expresses and causes violence among youth. It is in his opinion that many rappers have spoken against the violence in Rap/Hip-Hop. Rappers KRS-One spoke against black on black crimes in a song titled â€Å"Stop the Violence†and â€Å"Self Destruction†. Rapper KRS-One wanted youths to realize that not all Rap/Hip-Hop music called for violence behavior among youth. Also, rappers such as Will Smith and his partner DJ Jazzy Jeff rapped positive messages to youth about having fun in the summer time, not glorifying drugs, alcohol or sex. Some feel that rap can be negative and positive on today’s youth. Michael Dyson (1993) feels that Rap/Hip-Hop music is getting a bad rap. Could that be true, or is Rap/Hip-Hop really unhealthy for today’s youth? Over the year’s research, books and studied have been conducted to determine if violent and explicit lyrics in Rap/Hip-Hop music really causes or promotes violence in today’s youth. Since it’s beginning in the 1970’s Rap/Hip-Hop has gone from being fun to listen to now being a explicit rated albums. In today’s time Rap/Hip-Hop glorifies drugs, violence, and sex at an alarming rate. Today’s youth are also embracing the lifestyles’ of rappers in their language and attitudes, with their want of money, cars, drugs and alcohol that rappers talk about in their lyrics causing them to become materialistic teenagers. What must we do as concerned parents? We must be aware of what our children are watching and listening to. Parents must be involved in what their children are purchasing and they must ask questions to understand what their children are experiencing. In the 1990’s C. Dolores started a crusade to stop the sale of offensive rap music to minors. Mrs. Tucker outspokenness earned her enemies, however she remained relentless with her crusade against what is called gangster rap. Her concerns were that the lyrics were misogynistic and threatened the moral foundation of the African American community. Conclusion Rap/Hip-Hop music became popular in the 70’s, since than it has changed the world; youth in every corner of the globe have adopted the culture, the speech and the style. Because Rap/Hip-Hop music has become so popular, many people think that this type of music is making today’s youth more violent, due to the glorification of violent, explicit language, sex, disrespect for authority, and disrespect towards women. Just as parents teach their kids not to do drug, they should also teach their kids that rapper is only for entertainment, it is a business for rappers to sale albums to make money. It is a business for them. It is all about album sales. We should all follow Mrs. Tuckers’ example by taking a stand against anything that could have a negative effective on our youth. Rappers should realize that they are role models to most of our youth and stop thinking about their pockets. References DiClemente, R.J., Wingood, G.M., Bernhardt, J.M., Robillard, A., Harrington, K., Davies, S.L., and Hook, E.W. A Prospective Study of Exposure of Rap Music Videos and African American Female Adolescents’ Health. American Journal of Public Health. (2003). Dyson, M.E., Reflecting Black: African-American Cultural Criticism. Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota, 1993 p.38 Gordon, E., N News, News & Notes, 8 May 2006 Tanner, J.; Asbridge, M.; & Wortley, S. (2009). â€Å"Listening to Rap: Cultures of Crime, Cultures of Resistance.†Social Forces, 88(2): 693-722. The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter 2003
Friday, January 10, 2020
Call of the Wild Book
Similarities Buck lives in Judges Millers estate at the beginning of both the book and the movie. He is then kidnapped by Manuel, the gardener. He is sold to dog salesmen heading to Alaska. He is disciplined by the Law of Club and Fang. The man in the red sweater takes Buck out of the cage and repeatedly beats him. Buck continues to try to attack until he is to week to fight. He then learns the law of Club and Fang. Buck is sold and put on a sled team. He learns to dig a hole in the snow to stay warm. He has a fierce rivalry with the lead dog Spitz.Spitz then kills one of Buck’s best friends Curly by ripping Curly’s face up. Buck ends up having multiple fights with Spitz. One of which where Spitz takes Buck sleeping hole and tries to keep it. Spitz gets whipped and sent back to his own hole. Buck and Spits end up in a fight in which Buck is determined to kill Spitz and end the rivalry for good. He then does what he was determined to do and kills Spitz. Buck then takes t he lead dog position and gains trust from his team. The team is then taken over by Hal, Charles, and Mercedes.They are amateur sled runners and don’t quite know what they are doing. They end up shooting a dog (Dave), because he was too weak to go on. Buck then leads the team into John Thornton’s little camp setup. Hal was advised by John not to go across the ice but he decides to do it anyway. Hal starts beating Buck and John Thornton threatens to kill him with his rifle. John then takes Buck to be his own. They all fall through, including the team. They are killed and John takes care of Buck, the only survivor. Buck then saves john Thornton’s life a couple times.John and Buck develop a special bond. John decides to search for gold. Buck is in part of a bet made by john Thornton that says he can pull a sled with a fairly large amount of weight. Buck then shocks everybody and pulls the sled 100 yards and wins John Thornton $1000 ($1600 in the book). John is out i n the search of gold. He comes across a Yeehat tribe and builds up hate for them. Buck scares away the Yeehats once. They the com back later and kill John Thornton by shooting him with a bow and arrow. Buck then kills multiple Yeehats out of anger.He is then left with the decision to live by himself in the wild. Differences In the movie, Buck was never sold to Francois and Perrault. He was never a part of their team and he did not steal any bacon from Francois. In the movie, Buck started out going to John Thornton’s team, stolen by Black Burtons bandits, claimed by a dog auctioneer, sold to Hal and his crew, brought across Johns Thornton’s camp and is returned to him. Buck was never sold from Francois and Perrault to a Scotch half-breed man that was very hairy.It did not tell the names of other dogs in the movie. In my eyes, the movie portrayed John Thornton’s friend, Pete, more than in the book. In the movie John Thornton is attracted to a girl at a bar. A man named Black Burton doesn’t like John so he has his team stolen by some of his thugs. They then take the team to a town. On the way a man falls down a hill and is killed. When the dogs get to the town, the only guy left on the sled is frozen solid and killed. A man then claims the dogs on the spot and auctions them off to Hal, Charles, and Mercedes.They plan to take the team to Dawson city (where John Thornton is). On the way a dog (Dave) is shot by Hal because he can’t go on. They come across John Thornton’s camp. John takes Buck back and the others drowned. John then takes more care of buck and heals him up. The book stated that Buck had killed a Moose by wearing it out and then attacking it. That never happened in the movie. In the book, Mad Dolly was a dog that raged and tried to kill Buck. The movie showed Mad Dolly as a horse. The movie shows more dialect and perspective of john Thornton rather than Buck.It made the movie almost more about John than it did about Buck. John and Buck found a cabin in the woods that had a gun in it that said E. K. W. on it. That wasn’t in the book. Because of all of the similarities and differences that I have written, I believe that the book was way better than the movie. The movies didn’t have much anything that was the same in the book. The worst part was that it left me guessing about who E. K. W. was. It didn’t even give a hint about who he or she was. That should not ever happen in a movie.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Anecdotal Evidence On The Classroom Engagement - 1679 Words
Anecdotal Evidence†Milman (2012) notes, the flipped or inverted classroom, used in K-12 and higher education, has been receiving attention. According to Milman (2012), advocates of the strategy make numerous benefits known, for example - increasing classroom engagement. Milman (2012) notes there are both advantages (it seems to be a good fit to teach procedural knowledge) and disadvantages (students may not watch the videos and or it may not be the best way to learn the concept). Additionally Milman (2012) notes, â€Å"no empirical research exists to substantiate its use†(p. 2); however, many instructors support its use as a teaching strategy. According to Hamdan, McKnight, McKnight, and Arfstrom, (2013) both quantitative and qualitative research is limited; however, there is research that supports the model and the instruction of strategies that engage students in learning. Hamdan et al (2013) state Flipped Learning â€Å"has been mainly a grassroots movementâ⠂¬ (p. 9), although more administrators and parents are researching this teaching method. Speak Up’s annual online survey (Fall of 2012) contained questions specific to the Flipped Learning method, 6% of respondents indicated they were using some form of video enhancement and 18% of teachers indicated interest in trying the method (Hamdan, McKnight, McKnight, Arfstrom, 2013). In Addition, 60% of grade 6-12 students agreed this method would be a good way for them to learn (Hamdan et al., 2013). 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