Saturday, May 23, 2020
Malware And Its Effects On Society - 1294 Words
Just like a biological virus, a computer virus is able to infect and ruin lives. This malicious software constitutes more than just simple viruses but also includes other types of software including worms, Trojan horses, and ransomware. Malware has been around since the late 1980’s. Originally, people became hackers to gain notoriety online, but today, it has become more of a business. Cyber attacks originate from all around the world, and it is not just individual people that benefit from it. In two decades, numerous cyber crime syndicates have been created, and states all over the world sponsor hacker groups. Over the past twenty-five years, malware has become less about checking the integrity of computer security and gaining notoriety in the underground cyber society, and it has become more of a chaos creating, money making business that many people and institutions take part in. History of malware To understand the business of malware, one must understand how malware has evolved in the past twenty-five years. Malware, which includes all kinds of malicious software, was originally created to show the weaknesses of computers. The first type of malware, created in 1986, was a virus called â€Å"Brain.A. Brain.A was developed in Pakistan, by two brothers - Basit and Amjad. They wanted to prove that PC is not secure platform, so they created virus that was replicating using floppy disks†(MiloÃ… ¡ević). Even today malware is still used to check the security of machines.Show MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Cybercrime1019 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Malware is a malicious software and act a single term to refer to virus, trojan horse, spy ware, worm and spam. It is design to harm to a standalone computer or a network computer. Type Of Malware Virus is a program that replicates by being copied to another program, computer or documents. It can be send toward via e-mail or downloaded file that person receive from the website that he download. Trojan horse is a program that harmful to the computer or data in such a way that it canRead MoreNegative Effects of Social Networking835 Words  | 4 Pagescontinues to offer customers with a variety of options and meaningful ways through which they can engage people and events. Besides this, the social networking sites are creating some potential harm to the society. Students are becoming the main victims of social networking. The negative effects of social networking include cyber bullying and security issues. Several techniques must be practiced to protect students from these dangers. Social networking is the biggest industry in the current worldRead MoreCybercrime And Its Effects On Society1239 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract-This research explores the different forms of cybercrime and its effects on society when compared to several years ago. Moreover, it focuses on the changes that have been made to fight the rise of cybercrimes. With the advances in technology allowing society to stay interconnected online, criminals, both who is not an expert and experienced, have taken advantage of growing opportunities. By taking into consideration the dangers on this issue, it is important to take action and provide solutionsRead MoreComputer Technology And Its Impact On Computer Crime1296 Words  | 6 Pagesgain unauthorized access to data†. In the early stages of cybercrime hackers spread programs called worms, computer viruses and trojan horses, which are malicious programs that infect a computer. The term malware was created to encompass these applications deem ed malicious to a computer. Malware became a huge asset to the hackers and a trend started that ultimately kicked off what we now know as cyberwarfare. While these attacks worked and started one of the first trends in computer crime, programmersRead MoreCyber Warfare And Cyber Crime1272 Words  | 6 Pagesgain unauthorized access to data . In the early stages of cyber crime hackers spread programs called worms, computer viruses and Trojan horses, which are malicious programs that infect a computer. The term malware was created to encompass these applications deemed malicious to a computer. Malware became a huge asset to the hackers and a trend started that ultimately kicked off what we now know as cyber warfare. While these attacks worked and started one of the first trends in computer crime, programmersRead MoreThe Privacy World s Version Of An Oil Spill1497 Words  | 6 Pagessomething bad. Another victim was Home Depot. The stolen username and password did not give the criminals direct access to Home Depot s payment system. But it did give the hackers access to a part of the company s network from where they could deploy malware on self-checkout systems in stores in the U.S. and Canada. Sometimes, that entails stealing credit card numbers directly. Other times, it s selling user emails and passwords en masse on the deep web. Whether it involves an SQL injection or, in theRead MoreTaking a Look at Cyber Crime680 Words  | 3 Pagestechnology. According to Richardson (2008, p 3), cyber crime has grown to catastrophic levels thus posing a challenge to global security. Consequently, besides cyber crime affecting the security of individual users of the system, it has a significant effect on the social, political and economic aspects of people’s live hood. As discussed in the piece, cyber crime is an advanced form of violation of the law that poses challenges that were inexistent to the globe prior to the introduction of computersRead MoreComputer Attack Attacks852 Words  | 4 Pagescreate a fake account on social sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to dupe a specific target. The fake account could seem like that of the target’s close frie nd or friend of a friend. The damages caused by phishing attacks are huge. The effects could be monetary losses, emotional distress and loss of privacy for the victims. Since most phishing attackers gain huge amounts of money from successful attacks, it could be said that this form of cyber-attack is not going to be eliminated in theRead MoreMilitary Equipment : Radar And Sonar Technologies1567 Words  | 7 Pagesto better protect computer systems and perform offensive computer operations (Nakashima). Without this new protection, the United States could be opened up to similar attacks from malware such as Flame. In 2007, the malware Flame appeared in Europe and disseminated to thousands of machines in the Middle East. This malware was programmed so that is had the ability to access virtually anything; it could access microphones, building plans, keyboard logs, conversations, and could even take screenshotsRead MoreTechnology Advantages And Disadvantages1707 Words  | 7 PagesTechnology has both optimis tic and harmful effects on humanity. It is remarkable how someone can find an old friend through a social network, enabling them to reconnect. In a society where people have become quite mobile and family and friends are often separated, due to work, school or whatever the case may be, it is convenient to keep in touch through technology. I would like to say that technology does not technically ruin our lives, but it does make an effect on how we as human beings exploit our
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Success Of An Overseas Business Venture - 1968 Words
When a company is conducting business internationally, understanding the culture of the country or region, it is doing business with, as well as making sure the business fits the culture where it is doing business, is extremely important. Not understanding the culture could mean that the product or service affects the competitiveness, marketing, and could even have some political ramifications. An understanding of the country’s language, attitudes and beliefs, religion, material culture, social education, legal characteristics, and political structures can have a positive impact on the success of an overseas business venture. In order to run a successful international business, a business manager must also become a student of culture and diversity. Before choosing a global market to sell a product or service, a company needs to make sure that the product or service is a good fit for the culture. It is important to know if the product or service is something that the culture of the country would need or want. As an example, if a company sells cowboy hats, they are not likely to be very successful in a country where the culture and religion requires the people to wear turbans. Knowing the culture and its religions is important when choosing a country for as a global market. To be successful, a company will want to know that its product or service will sell, and being successful in the United States does not necessarily mean that a product or service will do well in otherShow MoreRelatedAdvantages And Advantages Of Global Business Essay1416 Words  | 6 PagesGlobal business is a thriving economical industry where goods and services are bought and sold across a number of countries. A key factor of International trade is the degree that currency and exchange thrive as the rates rise and fall. There are many disadvantages and advantages to taking a business venture overseas which can be achieved via the following mechanisms; exporting, licensing, franc hising and establishing joint ventures within a host country. However deciding which entry to take isRead MoreLoctite Hbr Case - Executive Summary Essay1641 Words  | 7 PagesCorporation – International Distribution Fifty years of business has been good to Loctite, a manufacturer and marketer of adhesives, sealants, and other related products. Most recently, the company has started thinking about its international distribution strategy in Hong Kong; Loctite has turned to its already-established and successful ventures in other foreign countries to explore its potential strategies and find a model for success in Hong Kong and ultimately greater China. Currently, Loctite’sRead MoreGlobalization on Starbucks880 Words  | 4 Pagesfocused on selling a â€Å"third place†experience, rather than just the coffee. The formula led to spectacular success in the US, where Starbucks went from obscurity to one of the best-known brands in the country with over 137,000 employees and $10.7 billion in annual revenues. Thanks to Starbucks, coffee stores became places for relaxation, chatting with friends, reading the newspaper, holding business meetings, or (more recently) browsing the Web. In 1995, with 700 stores across the US, Starbucks beganRead MoreMr. Muza1493 Words  | 6 PagesInternational marketing International marketing is marketing carried out by firms overseas or across national borderlines. This strategy is an extension of the marketing techniques applied in the domestic market to meet the different demands, buying patterns, demographics and market segments of overseas customers. \\\file server\TripleA\Design\icons\small\key_terms.gif International marketing International marketing is the multinational process of planning and executing the conceptionRead MoreThe Business World Heavily Relies On Globalization1372 Words  | 6 PagesThe business world heavily relies on globalization. In order to remain competitive in their respective markets, corporations need to branch out to other countries, capturing more of the market share. This will not only cost a company a large amount of cash, but it also stresses their employees. Firms need to ensure they are sending the right managers to their offshore locations, or they could face dire consequences in both market share and employee attrition rates. Emphasis must be placed onRead MoreScope of International Operations Walmart1286 Words  | 6 Pages Ballys also has a joint venture agreement with China Sports Industry Co. (CSI), the largest publicly traded company related to sports and fitness in China. The joint venture includes opening Ballys in major cities such as: Beijing, Shanghai, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines. This joint venture with CSI took place in June 2002 estimating 50 to100 Ballys to be opened in Asia over the next five years. Along with CSI, Ballys has a joint venture with Holmes Place, the leadingRead MoreSolving the Labor Dilemma in a Joint Venture in Japan752 Words  | 4 PagesSolving the Labor Dilemma in a Joint Venture in Japan 1. What steps can you suggest that might help John solve his labor problems for the new plant in Tokyo? First an International or Global Human Resources Manager should be hired since this person is familiar with operations in the United States and Japan. This executive will be knowledgeable of both countries (U.S. Japans) education, economic, legal and political system and specially its socio-cultural environment and will be key player inRead MoreEvaluating Sainsbury s Resources And Capabilities Also For The Future Movement1725 Words  | 7 PagesFDI (Greenfield, Joint venture, Franchising). This report is using former evaluating tools in order to diagnose Sainsbury’s resources and capabilities also for the future movement in Egypt. [1]Analysis of internal environment [SWOT AND VRIO] 1-1 SWOT SWOT analysis is a useful method to investigate internal environment. By implementing SWOT as an analytic tool for Sainsbury, the company could gain a comprehensive list of factors they should concern in running a business properly. Strength-TheRead MoreStrategic Directions-formal and informal1415 Words  | 6 Pagesenvironmental scanning process include the following: a) Political instability- such matters as war, political unrest and terrorist activity could jeopardize the ownership or viability of a foreign business. b) Currency instability- Inflation and fluctuations in exchange rates can affect the profitability of overseas operations. c) Nationalism- The host countrys goals for independence can adversely affect expatriate companies by using competitive and protectionist practices such as insufficient patentRead MoreGoing Global: Indian Mncs1629 Words  | 7 Pagesmeant an organization with its headquarters located outside India and having presence in India as a part of its global network. In other words, in Indian eyes,†MNC†meant a foreign company, which has come into India. In recent times, however the business world has seen the emergence of a new breed of companies, which is beginning to be referred to as â€Å"India MNCs†.The Indian MNC is a company which is Indian in origin and spreading its wings to set up operations in various markets around the world
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Political Representation Of Political Violence - 1337 Words
When embarking on a study of the representation of political violence in drama, it is essential first of all to establish some agreed-upon terms and frames of reference, and some reasonably stable understanding of the object of study. Political violence as a subject for dramatic representation can be seen as a special category of what is called political drama more generally. Political drama can be understood to include such ingredients as the clash of political philosophies and strategies in concrete situations, the struggle for political power through democratic or extra-democratic means, the maneuverings, triumphs and defeats of parties, groups and classes in pursuit of their political goals, and the ceaseless weighing of ends and means in that pursuit. As a field of human activity and commitment, politics, broadly defined, has furnished material for a huge number of plays, engaging audiences in the recurring variations of personal and political dilemmas. Some of these plays can b e seen to have the overt aim of changing or reinforcing the spectators understanding and political alignment; others present the spectacle of human behavior in the political realm in an ostensibly neutral way. The dramatic representation of political violence addresses more specifically the call to violent action, armed struggle, the readiness to fight and to kill, in the pursuit or defence of political ends. It can, to a considerable extent, be analyzed in the terms andShow MoreRelatedCompetitive Authoritarianism And Political Authoritarianism869 Words  | 4 Pages1. competitive authoritarianism competitive authoritarianism Levitsky and Way describe, a competitive authoritarianism is, in essence, a democracy but it lacks proportional representation and most of the elections and government institutions are predisposed to only the elites. Juan Linz describes this as a diminished form of authoritarianism. In competitive authoritarianism regimes, elections are normally rigged, power figures regularly misuse state resources while oppressed are denied simple libertiesRead MoreSocial Awareness : Understanding The Emotions Of Other People ( What Others Are Thinking And Feeling )1258 Words  | 6 Pagescontribution to family support; access to and control of family resources. Community-- Women’s access to employment; ownership of assets and land; access to credit; involvement /or representation in local trade associations; access to market. Broaden Arenas-- Women’s representation in high paying jobs; women CEO’s; representation of women’s economic interests in macro-economic policies, state and federal budgets. Socio-Cultural-- women should get the education and contribute in making the changes in socio-culturalRead MoreThe Lack Of Positive Peace1348 Words  | 6 Pagesthrough the legislative process. In this manner, the results of a positive peace process are very narrow within the application of GFA principles of governing within a â€Å"constitutional†framework. Political progress also tends to assume that the problems of Northern Ireland exist purely on a political level and can be resolved via electoral arrangements. Yet much of the research suggests social, cultural and economic differences that divide the population may be beyond constitutional resolution (DuffyRead MoreEssay on Lack of Women Holding Office in Sub-Saharan African Politics1079 Words  | 5 Pageswomen and the development of a society relies on the success of maintaining gender equity. Though this is an international issue, I plan to focus on representation of women in politics in sub-Saharan Africa. I hope to explore why the percentage of women in politics is smaller than that of men and how this affects gender equity. Fortunately, representation is improving at a steady rate and I will explain the factors that are contributing to this increase. The lack of women that hold office in Sub-SaharanRead MoreNepals Present Is Reflexive of Its History1725 Words  | 7 PagesNepal’s present is reflective of its history. Within the past few years, the country has been in a state of disarray because its history has been fraught with political turmoil. As a whole, Nepal is a severely underdeveloped country. Throughout its history, Nepal has had little interaction with the outside world. The lack of political stability throughout its history accounts for many of the reasons of why Nepal is the way it is. As a landlocked country, Nepal has had little interaction with theRead MoreMovie Analysis : Hotel Rwanda1519 Words  | 7 Pagesat the center of the violence, leading to popular opinion of the Hutu population as barbaric and uncivilized and the Tutsi as innocent liberators. The film is historically accurate with respect to its representation of the physical similarities between both populations, as well as its depiction of the Hutu and Tutsi living in harmony prior to the assassination of the Rwandan president. Despite these accuracies, Hotel Rwanda fails to capture the true matrix of economic, political and historical mechanismsRead MoreRacial Profiling And The Inner City1605 Words  | 7 Pagesemphasis is placed on social and personal choice instead of racism as a political force that restricts choice, victim blaming prevents problem solving†(â€Å"Where ya at?†318). We can surmise, then, that Obama’s image is directly related to the notion of the â€Å"post-racial†through his failure to explicitly discuss racism, which in turn, affects how notions of race and raciality are conceived and discussed in the American socio-political landscape as a whole; in contrast, hip hop is in a position to dealRead MoreWhat Is Art?, And Marcel Duchamp s The Creative Act1067 Words  | 5 Pagesnonfigurative subject catches the symbolic harrowing moment of the effect of war and violence happened, also a metaphor of her culture idea and individual meaning, experience her political view to deal with female issue of the subject matter. The female shoes as the subject of this artwork do not have the beauty and cannot understand the truth at the first sign, but the form the art clearly indicates the representation meaning of the truth of the subject. In Adam’s views of art, â€Å"the works of artRead MoreEssay about Nationalism and Ethnic conflict 1444 Words  | 6 Pagesan institution†(Bertrand, 20). When Suharto left as dictator, major political and social changes consumed Indonesia, which threatened the Indonesian realm. The people of Indonesia struggled to define their sense of nationalism. The national model of Indonesia was a set of standards on the nature of the nation, its composition, and it’s boundaries. Stakeholders agreed on institutional frameworks or those imposed in political power. Surprisingly, ethnic groups tend to worry about losing their positionRead MoreAnti Muslim And Anti Islam Sentiments And Associated Everything Muslim Related With Negative Stereotypes1389 Words  | 6 Pagesonly sees Islamophobia as a collection of negative sentiments but also extends it to â€Å"the practical consequences of such hostility in unfair discrimination against Muslim individuals and communities, and to the exclusion of Muslims from mainstream political and social affairs†(p. 4). Various authors use ‘Islamophobia’ as a term that is not even explicitly defined (Bunzl, 2007; Cole, 2009; Halliday, 1999; Kaplan, 2006; MacMaster, 2003; Poynting Mason, 2007) while others categorizations of it seems
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Declaration Of War Against The Great Britain - 956 Words
One of the many challenges the founding father faced,when creating the system of government we still follow to this day, was what powers should each part of government be given. After winning the war against the Great Britain and declaring freedom one of the concern they had was in creating a leader that has a great deal of power and becoming almost like the monarchy they fought against. Creating the president, which didn t exist under the confederation, was seen as one of best outcomes of the convention since it provided a focal point for the government. One thing for sure that most founding fathers agreed upon was limiting the president’s power and making Congress be responsible for critical issues. One of these crucial responsibility given to congress is the declaration of war. Even though the president is the commander in chief of the army and is also responsible for the conduct and execution of the war; the actually declaration is a power assigned to congress, which is found in Article 1, section 8 of the constitution.One thing that needs clarification,when it comes to the issues of how a country get’s involved in a war is understanding the difference between declaring war and engaging in a war. Declaring a war is a formal statement made by a governmental body, in our case by congress, stating that the U.S. is about to enter into a war with another nation. On the other hand ,if the U.S. is invaded,attacked or if the well being of the citizens is inShow MoreRelatedCompare And Contrast Patrick Henry And Thomas Jefferson1220 Words  | 5 Pagestook action to receive independence from Great Britain. The two revolutionary leaders are remarkably comparable and contrastable from each other. One huge difference between Henry and Jefferson is their difference as an individual person, views, and politics. Another difference is the difference between the two author s purpose, tone, and writing techniques that helped get their points across. A last identified difference is the simple fact that the Declaration for Independence is a document whereasRead MoreThe War Of Americ The Declaration Of Independence1056 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Declaration of Independence. The event that commenced the starting history of the Declaration of Independence was the French and Indian War. The French and Indian War was a battle in the middle of Britain and France that endured from 1754-1763. The English eventually came to defeat the colonial outposts, however it was at a cost so amazing that the debt practically annihilated the English government. It was that debt that created the heightening of strains prompting the Revolutionary War. ParliamentRead MoreThe British And Indian War913 Words  | 4 Pagesthe The Great Migration. The British westward expansion led to land claim disputes with the French on the Ohio River Valley and the Northeast fisheries. These disputes led to the French and Indians uniting against Britain in the war known as the the French and Indian War. Although American relations with Britain remained economically similar in the time before and after the French and Indian War in that Great Britain relied on the American colonies for rev enue, the French and Indian War was a significantRead MoreEssay On Nationalism808 Words  | 4 Pagesoccurred between 1700-1865 were influenced by nationalism. Nationalism greatly influenced the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the War of 1812, and the Manifest Destiny in 1845. But what is nationalism? Nationalism is an ‘ideology based on the premise that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpass other individual or group interest.’ The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776. It served as the nations cry for independence. This documentRead MoreSimilarities Between The Declaration Of Independence And The Declaration Of Independence948 Words  | 4 Pagespieces for our society. In this group, the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson and Common Sense by Thomas Paine both hold high positions. Thomas Paine wrote â€Å"The Crisis†, which was a chapter in his pamphlet Common Sense, which advocated that the thirteen original colonies gain independence from Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence was a government document written in 1776 that proclaims America a state of democracy not connected to Britain. Although they share a general topic, bothRead MoreEssay about The Declaration of Independence769 Words  | 4 Pages The Declaration of Independence nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;â€Å"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their justice Powers from the consent of the Governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of theRead MoreGeorge Washington Thomas Jefferson s The Declaration Of Independence1544 Words  | 7 Pageswas a member of the House of Burgesses was Knowledgeable in political theory. After Jefferson’s wife died he decided to do public service. On June 28, 1779 Jefferson gave a draft of the Declaration of Independence to Congress. Four days later congress voted for independence, they then reused the Declaration of Independence which took them two days; they finished the changes on July 4th 1776. Americans had wanted to be a free nation and got out from under George III. â€Å"The document accused theRead MoreImpact Of The Enlightenment And The French Revolution1015 Words  | 5 PagesIn the 18th centurty, people in North America and Europe were revolting against the common enemy, the Kingdom of Great Britain. There were two wars, The Revolutionay War, and The French Revolution. Both of these wars were influenced by the enlightenment, but what were the philosophies of each war, and what happened at the end of them? The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, was a period of time both the 13 British Colonies and the French used as inspiration in their RevolutionsRead MoreEssay on Dbq Causes of Revolutionary War726 Words  | 3 Pagesdefended themselves against British tyranny. Since the Parliament’s claim was that it had authority over the colonies â€Å"in all cases whatsoever†, the Americans felt threatened and had to resist by force. Document 6 Why was Paine unwilling to be reconciled with Britain? Paine was unwilling to be reconciled with Britain because it brought war into the land. Was Paine an objective and unbiased reporter? Explain. Paine was not an objective and unbiased reported because he was going against the king. DocumentRead MoreArgumentative Essay On The Declaration Of Independence1624 Words  | 7 PagesThe Declaration of Independence was an important document in American history but it does not mean that it gained us our true freedom. It was a document that was written and signed on July 4th, 1776. The men that signed such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson told the colonists that this was a sign of them splitting from Great Britain and becoming an independent nation thus being called the United States of America. The document was then sent over to Great Britain for King George to read.
Immigrant Families in the US Free Essays
1) Immigrant families in the United States Immigrants feel that their roles, beliefs, values, etc. are not as effective as the Unites States’, thus becoming stressful. â€Å"Therefore, in addition to the typical normative (e. We will write a custom essay sample on Immigrant Families in the US or any similar topic only for you Order Now g., family transitions) and nonnormitive (e.g., family natural disasters) stressors that families encounter, immigrant families experience unique stress and change relates to migration and acculturation†(Bush et al., 2010, p.287). Immigrants feel that they have to change their ways and it not only becomes stressful to the family members but also to the whole family system. The best way that immigrants have adapted is with integration. By combining their old ways with the new ways of the United States culture, they find comfort. Another common stressor is language barriers. â€Å"The inability to read signs, posted warnings, food labels, job applications, and materials related to children’s schooling is a frustration experience for many immigrants and can lead to increased pressure to learn English†(Bush et al., 2010, p.289). For adults who don’t have English classes to attend or the transportation to get to one, don’t get the social support they need in the United States. A lot of women, especially in Asian cultures, are not prepared for social skills outside of the family. On the up side stressors from the family system can be very positive and increase adaption. â€Å"Religion, spirituality, ethnic communities, and enclaves, shared cultural values, and informal and formal social support can serve as resources that aid immigrant families in adaption†(Bush at el., 2010, p.305). 2) â€Å"The ability to meet debt obligations, credit card use, and frequency of late payments made by credit users are all important factors in assessing subjective economic stress. Financial satisfaction appears to be directly related to credit practices and attitudes†(Bartholomae et al., 2010, p.193). Couples balance their financial differences by coping to deal with these matters. Social support and financial resources help to do so. Couples are also better equipped to deal with economic stress when they have a high self esteem and control over their finances. However some family members lose their job, get divorces, sick, or in debt so bad that bankruptcy takes place. This becomes severe economic stress. 3) I agree 100% that same sex marriages should be able to have legally bound assets, especially if they have children together. â€Å"Widespread legal recognition of LGB-parent families will help foster acceptance of these families, ensure the protection of these via the provision of standard rights and benefits and promote the stability and security of LGB-parent families and their children, thereby contributing to their health and well being†(Goldberg, 2010, p.279).Not granting legal recognition also questions a couples ability to commit and their stability. 4) When immigrants live in an ethnic enclave they find it easier to cope with their surroundings and face less prejudice and discrimination. Women also find it easier to work because most can bring their child to work because most can bring their child to work with them. Although there are a lot of benefits within enclaves I don’t necessarily believe it will completely help a family with their problems. What if their child/children leave the enclave someday? Will they be prepared for the outside world? And what if the enclave was destroyed? I feel that they would have an easier time in the long run if they gradually introduced themselves to the outside world. When children become interpreters for serious matters such as applying for social service benefits, it is stressful for them. â€Å"In such a situation, children are likely to feel the stress of adult responsibilities, whereas their parents may feel the stress of role reversal that comes from relying on children for their survival and well being†(Bush et al., 2010, p.290).When children take on these tasks they are not allowed to mature normally and they can become more dependent than their parents. Children can also misinterpret language. For example, saying â€Å"she fell off a latter†when really meaning â€Å"she fell down the stairs†. Immigrant families adjust to their new home better when living in familiar surroundings. The communities can also give social support by making it easy to meet friends with similar experiences and backgrounds. How to cite Immigrant Families in the US, Essay examples
My Love for Learning English Essay Example For Students
My Love for Learning English Essay The journey of my prior life mostly regards my education from the beginning of learning English to the final decision when I was in the last year of high school. My English when I was in primary school was quite terrible. I gained a little bit of knowledge there. I scarcely read, wrote, or listened. I did not know any aspects of it and just wondered why I had to learn this alien language. When I came into secondary school, I was thinking that English in the school was still a low standard. Apart from my dullness, I realized if I did not do anything, I definitely got dumb and would be given a horrible grade. Therefore, I was looking for a tutor in some academics outside. In junior high school, I made a decision to take an extra tutorial class with a couple who were the teachers at my school teaching the senior high school students. Mrs. Pimpimai taught me English grammar, while Mr. Pimpimai instructed me the listening, reading, and speaking. I was studying on the weekend. Another reason I chose to study with them was because the cost was not too expensive or unaffordable. At that time, I had not been fond of English yet, and I found it difficult. However, I fully paid attention to it. The comparison between studying in the school and outside was very stark. The first year, in the school, I studied only the tedious passages from the dullest textbook, while I began to remember the important irregular verbs and learned about the tenses, especially the perfect tense. The teacher, at the same time, taught me reading the passages, listening, and speaking. For the second year, I had learned the texts again in the school, when the external class began to teach me the tough lessons of passive voice and other grammars. On the contrary, my friends started to read passive voice and irregular verbs later than me, when we were in the third year. I took pity on them due to the fact that they had a less time to memorize lots of irregular verbs to use them in passive voice. That made most of my friends give up studying. Some of them were nearly disgusted learning English. In senior high school, I was a student learning in the sciences and mathematics program. I intentionally studied both sciences and English. Though I could learn both of them well, my English was more outstanding than sciences and mathematics. Nevertheless, I did not think I really felt passionate about English, and always thought that I wanted to be a doctor like other friends with all of the reasons simply depending on the program I learned, family’s expectations, and social value. I had deceived myself for almost two years before I had to choose the field in university. During senior high school, I still took extra tutorial English class but at another school. I was so happy when I learned it; moreover, the higher the scores I got, the happier in learning English I was. Finally, I was in the last year of high school. I tried my best to study all the subjects, especially English. My family yet hoped that I was going to study in the field of health sciences; they convinced me to learn it. They said my splendid English learning was just my pastime, but I did not agree with that since I had never found happiness in learning sciences and mathematics, but I did in learning language. That was like the turning point of my decision and I had been thinking to be a doctor for a long time. On the other hand, I was really lucky because my family understood me, and they let me pick up as I pleased. I, in the end, was learning English I loved; although, the plan was always changing all the time, but until now I have never regretted my decision.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Benefit of Study Abroad free essay sample
Studying abroad may be that defining moment in your education that will change your life. Nothing will be quite the same after you have studied abroad. * Your perspectives will be global * Your attitudes will be international * You will have memories that you will carry forever * Your resume will be more attractive * In some cases, your language proficiency will be advanced * You will have developed lifelong friendships The largest misconception that prevents students from participating in study abroad is its perceived inaccessibility. Yet students who do study abroad are often amazed at how easy it was to put the whole thing together!Financial aid is often available, every major field of study can partake, and study abroad is an experience available to every student. Its as easy as a working through a checklist! The following information is just that it should be used only as a guideline. Every college and university has its own study abroad policy and requirements, so be sure that you work with your campus advisors and offices. We will write a custom essay sample on Benefit of Study Abroad or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Why study abroad? sdy pic 01 5 Reasons to Study Abroad 1. Academic credit The most obvious reason why students study abroad is to earn academic credit. You should consider the type of credit you will earn on your study abroad program.Will you earn credit towards your major or elective credit only? Will you receive grades or pass/fail credit only? Will it count towards your GPA? You may study abroad to earn upper division credits in your major field or you may be overseas to earn some of your core or general education hours your freshman year. It is important that you work with your campus study abroad and/or registrars office before committing to a program to make sure that the credits will count towards your degree. 2. Language acquisition The world market place is shrinking rapidly and many companies require or prefer that their employees have second languages. Foreign languages are not only valuable in the work force, they are valuable in the real world. 3. Practical experience Study abroad coupled with an international internship is an incredible way to gain some real world experience. You may find that only an international program can offer the real expertise you desire in your education. Australia is a great place to find a marine biology program, the engineering labs in Sweden may exceed your facilities at your home institution, and peace studies in Geneva would offer an insight that couldnt be matched in Nebraska. . Resume building International experience is ranked high among many employers as a critical asset for prospective employees. Study abroad shows that you are resourceful, adventurous, internationally minded, and diverse. See the Discover Your Value series on this blog. 5. Experience of a lifetime In a couple years you may forget the name of your literature professor in Grenoble or the name of your dorm in Beijing, but youll never forget the friends you made or the incredible experiences you shared
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