Tuesday, November 26, 2019
help me of you essays
help me of you essays The issue of gender inequality is one which has been publicly reverberating through society for decades. The society in which we live has been shaped historically by males. The policy-makers have consistently been male and therefore it is not surprising that our society reflects those biases which exist as a result of A perfect example of society's male-dominance interfering in education unintentionally is when teachers assign projects to their students. The teachers may hand out lists of acceptable topics ranging, in a history class for example, from fashion to transportation. The teachers then give the students a choice as to which topic they would like to do the project on. The underlying problem with this is that girls tend to choose what could be considered more "feminine" topics while the boys will choose the more "masculine" ones. The workplace is another place where men and women are not equal. The most obvious sign starts at the top. Look at CEOs of corporation; the majority of which are men. Women serving as CEOs are a rare sight. Another sign of the unfairness can also be found in the lower ranks. Men are often applauded for being assertive and giving orders. By giving orders, men are taking a leadership role. Demonstrating leadership ability is a quality that employers often look for. On the other hand, women who are assertive and give orders are not well liked in the work place. For women to be well liked in the work place, they have to be subordinate to the men Society has lived with this inequality for many years. It's impossible for society to change overnight. The problem will not and cannot disappear overnight. A lot of progress has been made over time but, more time is needed to finish what was started. ta jhuio fhkivm dfv df vdfdfv df vdf vdf vdf v dfv df vfv df vdf v df vf v dfdf vdf vdf v f vfv f f v df vdfv df v ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
When to See a Doctor for Bursitis
When to See a Doctor for Bursitis Bursitis is defined as the irritation or inflammation of a bursa (fluid-filled sacs attached to joints). You can often effectively treat bursitis at home. However, in some cases, you may want or need to treat bursitis with some techniques not available at home and require a visit to a doctor. If you have bursitis and you experience a warm swelling, a fever or become sick you may have septic bursitis and should seek medical attention. Septic bursitis needs antibiotic medication to treat it. In the case of non-septic bursitis you should consider seeing a doctor: If the pain becomes severe or is getting progressively worseIf your range of motion is being hampered and the swelling and stiffness is getting worseIf your strength is affectedIf the injury is becoming chronic and never fully alleviates, or commonly reoccursIf methods for preventing bursitis have not proven sufficientIf home treatments are not effectiveIf you can not change your habits or the repetitive stress causing your bursitis is unavoidable What to Expect From Your Doctor If you are seeking medical help for your bursitis then your general practitioner is probably your first stop. Your doctor will need a history of your condition including the symptoms and activities that trigger or worsen the symptoms. Additionally, you should provide your doctor with information about any treatments, over the counter medication or home remedies you have tried and how effective they have been. Your doctor will perform a basic physical examination of the affected area to check for a swollen bursa. Diagnostic imagery is usually not required but is some difficult cases it may be requested. Imagery, such as an X-ray or MRI, can help fill out a comprehensive diagnosis. Once diagnosed your doctor may prescribe treatment or refer you to a specialist. In some cases, your doctor may suggest draining the bursa to reduce the swelling. This can usually be done during the same visit. Your doctor will simply insert a syringe into the bursa and remove some of the fluid. This can provide immediate relief but does not treat the cause of bursitis.​ When referring you to a specialist your general practitioner will often suggest a physical therapist or occupational therapist. These therapists will develop a treatment regimen of exercise and/or behavioral therapy that should change or remove the repetitive stress that is causing bursitis as well as strengthening the area so it is more robust. What to Bring to Your Doctor Being prepared with a thorough history of your symptoms can help your doctor diagnose your bursitis. Organize your information to help your doctor get through all the pertinent parts in the time usually allotted for an appointment. The information you should have on hand includes: What your symptoms areWhen your symptoms first presented or startedHow severe your symptoms areIf your symptoms come and go or are persistentWhat activities trigger or worsen your symptomsWhat kind of repetitive stress concerning the area of your bursitis you regularly encounterAny candidate causes of bursitis you have identifiedAny injuries within the past 6 months to the area of your bursitisOther medical conditions you currently suffer from or have had in the past, including surgeries When gathering your information, it is beneficial to journal your symptoms. Write down all your symptoms with notes about duration and severity. Use a Visual Analog Pain Scale to track the pain. Make notes of the activities that may contribute to bursitis and what effect they seem to have. Furthermore, write down any treatments and if they have a positive or negative effect. Last, but not least, write down any questions you have for your doctor before your appointment. Patients often get nervous or forget their questions when face to face with their doctor. Write down your questions and make sure you get satisfactory answers before you leave. Dont forget, your doctor is there to help you and you are paying them for that help, so make sure to get your moneys worth.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
May one lend money to co-workers who need it to commit sins Personal Statement
May one lend money to co-workers who need it to commit sins - Personal Statement Example In the case of his friend for instance, who wanted the money to ‘commit sin’ with a call girl, he denied him on moral grounds. He argued that by doing that, he would be hurting the wife of this co-worker. However, his morality position can be questioned where he provides his boss with money to purchase a gift. This present was supposed to be given to a woman that the boss was having an affair with, though he was married. Though the individual in question knew about this, he went ahead and paid for the gift for his boss. The two similar scenarios have elicited two contrasting responses. This therefore begs the question of where he stands as far as morality is concerned. The lack of consistence despite the situation is enough to support the fact that most people would appear moral only when they gain more pleasure in the event. However, if there is any loss perceived, one would rather compromise to safe their status quo. My point of view and premises for that position Cons istency in terms of how one responds to issues of morality within the society is imperative. This is especially on how one conducts him/herself towards the colleagues in the working environment. For one to be defined as morally upright, it would be necessary for them to appear predictable in all situations, in terms of their position on various social issues. Fear of losing certain favors because of one’s action or position should not arise. In the case of the of the individual in question, the fact that he agreed to do his boss a favor opens a door to further compromises in future. Through one would understand his reason for taking that compromising act, he failed to take initiative of rejecting. For instance, he did not offer his stand on the issue of unfaithfulness on the part of his boss. The fact that he assisted him in paying for the gift could be explained as ‘supporting such an act.’ Secondly, one would also say that his moral position is not grounded str ongly. He is swayed by circumstances which should not be the case provided one does what they think is right. For instance, why did he not fear losing friendship by not lending money to his friend? Secondly, why did he not choose to reciprocate the same act to his boss? The whole issue of morality lacks meaning if how one behaves is determined by pain and pleasure one may incur. One would be in a position to draw a line and say ‘this is right’ and ‘this is wrong’ despite the repercussions. The notion that he would be discharged of his duty by denying the favor to his boss is just a perception that is not based on reality. For instance, there are laws which protect employees from any unfair treatment. One can seek redress if they feel they are being harassed by their seniors. According to my position therefore, morality should have a specific definition and remain consistent in all scenarios regardless of the consequences. Support by other philosopher such a s John Stuart Mill, Jeremy Bentham, John F. Cosby and Veatch. John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham seem to share similar sentiments as far as issues of morality are concerned. They raise two important social phenomena of pain and pleasure as the main determinants of how individuals behave in certain circumstances (Bentham 58). They indicate that what manners are the final result and not the means taken. Both of them agree on matters of personal happiness as what is imperative in deciding moral
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Critically evaluate the claim that adolescents and young people both Essay
Critically evaluate the claim that adolescents and young people both today and in earlier time periods have always been demonise - Essay Example When an understanding of an adolescent/young people has been established, examples will be shown of how and why they have been/ are seen by adults in ways that demonise them and represent them negatively. The writer will then explore the ramifications of the adults' perception and the impact they have on young people. As a conclusion this perception leads to how and why adults might perceive young people and adolescents to be unruly and/or a threat to social stability. The need to analyse the different stages of age is contributed to society's concept of age. Some societies in history considered the transition from childhood to adulthood without passing through adolescence. Childhood is defined as the stage in life from birth to 12 years of age. Childhood is not considered as having a natural transition point but it is a continual process of development. Aries (1960:128) â€Å"In medieval society the idea of childhood did not exist; this is not to suggest that children were neglecte d, forsaken or despised. The idea of childhood is not to be confused with affection for children: it corresponds to an awareness of the particular nature of childhood, which distinguishes the child from the young adult. In medieval society there was a lack of awareness. Emile Durkheim (as cited in Jenks, 1982:147) goes on to describe the child as â€Å"the purist of beings, a small body that the merest blow can break, that the slightest illness imperils, a collection of muscles, nerves and organs which are, so to speak, made of milk and which only form, develop and increase in strength by their beings placed in a wonderful environment of careful attention, of consideration, of favourable circumstances and protective influences†. ... rest blow can break, that the slightest illness imperils, a collection of muscles, nerves and organs which are, so to speak, made of milk and which only form, develop and increase in strength by their beings placed in a wonderful environment of careful attention, of consideration, of favourable circumstances and protective influences†. In Romeo and Juliet, a maiden was a young woman who was ready for marriage, having obviously reached puberty implicitly implying "menses" but still having her nurse. Shakespeare portrays young people/children as wilily or in need of protection because of the adults perception of having a family grudge. Biologically speaking , a child is defined not having sexual hormones in other words not having reached puberty. He/she is not an adolescent, no having reached Erikson's stage of identity and role confusion. (Erikson, 1959) Saraga (1998 and Macionis & Plummer, 2005) points out that historically children have been seen either as innocent (Montgomery , 2003) , vulnerable and in need of protection; or they have been seen as asocial, inherently evil and in need of firm control and discipline. In early Christianity both concepts are present suggesting that the child is innocent (Pollock, 1983) or that the child is born in a state of original sin (Powell , 1917; Schucking, 1969). The child, who was born wicked and full of sin, needed to have the wickedness removed through punishment or strong discipline. (Pollock, 1983) Rituals such as Baptism or Christening continue today to symbolize the purification of babies and small children. Demonising or representing children or young people negatively in a religious context, was used as a form of control and a reasoning for punishment. In art work, representing adolescents and young people in a less
Sunday, November 17, 2019
A Great Way to Care Essay Example for Free
A Great Way to Care Essay In chapter fifteen 2b or Not 2b? of They Say / I Say, David Crystal provides arguments in favour of text messaging. Crystal tries to prove his point that text messaging is not destroying the English language with great research, a lot of examples and a clear organization. As the author himself puts it, Texting has added a new dimension to language use, but its long-term impact is negligible. Its not a disaster. . Although some people believe text messaging is pillaging our punctuation, savaging our sentences and raping our vocabulary, Crystal insist that. In sum, then, his view is that the abbreviations were used as a natural, intuitive response to a technological problem, but that they are also more than just time and energy saving act. He considers some texts also as linguistically quite complex. Im two minds about how texting effects the english language. On the one hand, I gree that texting can be very creative and that the abbreviations we use in text massaging are nothing new, he gives use countless examples like IOU (I owe you), which is known from the year 1618 . On the other hand Im not sure if these arguments can stand against the accusations that texting is destroying the english language. For me his arguments are not convincing enough. From my own experiences (english as a foreign language) it seemed pretty hard to understand and nonsense when I heard my friends actually talking the way they text usually, like saying cos instead of because or lol. Text messaging is in this case no more just about texting, it actually effects also the way we talk. Overall I believe text messaging is a great way to communicate and motivates people to be creative and create new words or abbreviations, but it also does form its own language separating itselfs more and more from the traditional English. If its good or worse is out of my ability to judge at this time.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Russia Essay -- European Politics, Bilateral Relations
The change witnessed in modern day society can be traced back to the period of the 18th and 19th centuries. It is in this period that Western Europe achieved rapid economic growth and development. This was through the Agrarian and Industrial revolutions that swept across Europe, mostly Western Europe, causing in its wake rapid development and changing gender roles and lifestyles in general (Collins, 2006). It is also in Western Europe that events such as the French revolution brought about massive changes in society, completely altering the lifestyles of its citizens. However, the change did not end in Western Europe, but spread to other countries of the Eastern bloc, such as Russia. This was mostly through the influence brought about by bilateral relations. The changes thus brought forth cut across all spheres of peoples lifestyles including legal rights, access to education and positions of power, family size, fashion and ways of socialization. The society during this time was male dominated. Men enjoyed positions of power and responsibility and made all the decisions regarding the family. Access to education was also a preserve of the male child. Rights such as those of inheritance and land were allocation bestowed on the male offspring because of the continuity of the family. However, with the changes in the Western society, women started enjoying some of these rights, though initially in minimal ways. In France, the French revolution caused changes in the French educational system (Tuminez, 2000). The French government was committed to creating an educational system that would produce engineers, medical doctors and economists that would help the country achieve economic power. In changing the educational system, the Fren... ...ovell, 2010). Finally, the world continually celebrates women. In western countries, the Valentines Day, which is observed on the 14th day of February, celebrates lovers in a union but places emphasis on the woman as men traditionally buy flowers and gifts to please their women. This day was special even before the 19th century. This must have inspired the International women’s day in Russia, which is marked on the 8th day of March every year. The society values the role of women together with their contributions, in the community. Men buy their women flowers or even send cards to female colleagues and friends to appreciate them. The changes that took place in the West in the 18th and 19th centuries played a key role in influencing women in Russia and their roles in society with regard to fashion, education, religion, family and occupation have greatly changed.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
School Age Observation
I observed Mark in his fourth grade classroom during a science lesson. Mark is an intelligent ten year old child, but he has a difficult time paying attention to his teacher. He likes to get a lot of attention and when he gets bored he turns his focus to other destructive matters, such as, throwing pencils up into the ceiling. Throwing pencils in the ceiling has gotten him in trouble many times, and once he was kicked out of the classroom for it. When he becomes uninterested he stops paying attention to instruction completely. When he is bored, he needs to find another activity to fill the void, and that activity will be something that distracts the teacher and his classmates; two characteristics that make it interesting and entertaining to him. From my observations, I believe Mark’s behavior problems are the result of a lack of attention and disinterest from the people in his life, and a general sense of laziness and intimidation for tasks that seem difficult. Mark comes to school with an unclean appearance (dirty clothes, messy hair, looking like he has not bathed) and without the proper tools to actively complete his assignments. For example, he comes to school without any pencils or paper and his backpack is a mess of old crumpled papers. Mark’s behavior problems decreased as his teacher had time to give him one on one attention and break down his tasks into smaller assignments while giving him encouragement and the sense of working hard and having accomplished something. Mark read well, but at a slow pace that would become frustrating to him. He stumbled over words and his classmates had annoyed looks on their faces as he took so long to read a paragraph aloud. His teacher also realized this and later took the time to explain the textbook pictures and figures to him so he could visualize the content he was reading about. His teacher told him that if he becomes bored of the assigned work of looking up vocabulary words then he should switch tasks for a few minutes so he can take a break. When he would start to lose interest he would start trying to talk and get the others’ attention. He would stop his work, look around, and then call out, â€Å"This is boring! to the kids around him. There was a boy sitting next to him at his table that he would poke with a pencil and laugh at when the boy would get mad. He also spent a lot of time staring out the window and digging a groove into his pink erasure with his pencil. When his teacher was able to come and give him one on one attention he was attentive and looked at the teacher as she talked. Mark’s teacher creates a â€Å"to do†list for him so that he can check things off as they are completed. At the end of the section Mark was able to check off several things from his list, and he was proud that he was able to complete so many things. He bragged to his classmates at his table by showing them his list so they could see everything that he had finished. Mark is not a mean child, nor does he want to hurt others, but he needs more positive attention in his life. With the absence of positive interest from those around him, he seeks out anything he can get, which naturally ends up being the negative attention. His teacher does not always have the time during a lesson to cater to Mark, but she tries to check on him frequently because of the results it brings. After he was given extra help and saw what he was able to accomplish when he set his mind to a task the effects began to show in the classroom. Of his own initiative, Mark took out a piece of paper and started taking notes once his math lesson began. He teacher commented to me that that does not happen very often.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The concept of challenging authority Essay
The construct of disputing authorization is one that is popularly portrayed in modern-day literature. Challenging authorization defines a person’s rebelliousness against the set regulations and commands of a certain power. Ambitious authorization can impact an single adversely by devolving them. or positively by helping them in happening their topographic point in the universe. Challenging authorization itself is filled with determination devising and important alterations. The construct of disputing authorization is explored in the two texts: Dead Poets Society ( 1898 ) a movie directed by Peter Weir and Raw ( 1998 ) . a fresh written by Scott Monk. Both texts affect an person or group who challenge the authorization of a certain power. The composers of these texts utilise movie and literary techniques to broaden the audience’s apprehension of disputing authorization. Challenging authorization Teachs of import lessons. Following an individual’s challenge to authorization. he/she may larn from their errors. This subject is reflected through the concluding chapter of the fresh Raw. when Brett Dalton walks off from the battle with Caitlyn’s male parent. This indicates that Dalton. by his initial challenge of authorization. has assimilated that force is non the reply: â€Å"He’d lost one battle but won another. †Monk’s usage of third-person omniscient develops the reader’s apprehension of how ambitious authorization can educate an individual’s polar lessons by leting them to see how others feels. In the epilogue of the novel. Dalton admits that to many past wrongs. turn outing that disputing authorization does so educate persons. Challenging authorization frequently opens the possibility of the devolution of the individual/group. An single found conflicting the regulations of a higher power is punished. in bend physically and/or mentally harming the person. In Dead Poets Society. this is apparent in the scene of Neil’s decease. Neil challenged the authorization of his male parent by prosecuting his dream of moving. and because of this. had his freedom stripped. climaxing in his self-destruction. In the concluding minutes of Neil’s life. Weir uses many utilizations dark illuming and non-diegetic sound to raise a cliff-hanging and eerie atmosphere. This creates an emotional connexion between the movie and the spectator. further developing their apprehension of the construct of disputing authorization. Challenging authorization can nevertheless positively impact an person by assisting them detect their topographic point in the universe. This is seen in the concluding scene of Dead Poets Society. where Todd Anderson backs up Keating. By disputing the authorization of Welton and going a member of the Dead Poets Society. Anderson displays his true colors. being the first to toast Keating. In this scene. Weir utilises low-angle shootings on Anderson. stand foring him as a important and powerful being. a apposition to his weakness in the beginning of the movie. Furthermore. a collage of the student’s determined faces was included to show how ambitious authorization has besides helped them turn as persons. These techniques further emphasised the passages of the characters through ambitious authorization. Ultimately. disputing authorization affects an person in both positive and negative facets. These impacts have been demonstrated through the Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society. and Scott Monk’s Raw. The composer’s usage of movie and literary techniques assist in conveying their thoughts by puting the temper and adding context. The protagonist’s challenges and alterations reflect the importance and necessity of disputing authorization.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Attributes Of Leaders in Government essays
Attributes Of Leaders in Government essays To hold office in any branch of the federal government, you must be someone special. However, there are differences between the types of people that are right for each different branch of the government. For example, someone who is passionate about their political party and about bettering it, might be successful in Congress, but would not be a good fit for the U.S. Supreme Court. The Executive Branch is arguably the most prestigious branch of the Federal government. The main member of this branch of government is the president. A president must have the strongest leadership skills out of any member in the government. I believe that he must be the strongest member because he makes decisions on his own. Even though he has a cabinet to advise him, when it comes down to it making the decision is all his. He also has to be rational in the decisions he makes. If he is not rational in his decisions, it is easy to make many people angry quickly. I believe that the president also has to be very confident in his work. If he does not show confidence in everything that he does, I believe he will appear weak. The president does not have to be a great compromiser, but the Legislative members do. The Legislative branch consists of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. This branch of government is very different from the other two, in the fact that 435 members in the U.S. House of Representatives and the 100 members of the U.S. Senate all have to be able to compromise to get things done. Therefore, one significant attribute of a U.S. Congressman is the ability to compromise. If a Congressman is known as one willing to compromise, then other Congressmen will be willing to work with him. I believe that morality is also an important attribute of Congressmen. Because there are so many Congressmen, it is much easier to persuade them with things such as cash benefits. Therefore, I believe a Congressman that had morals...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
An Overview and History of the Compass
An Overview and History of the Compass The compass is an instrument used for navigation; it generally has a magnetic needle that points toward the earths magnetic North Pole. The magnetic compass has been in existence for nearly a thousand years and is the most common type of compass. The gyroscopic compass is far less common than a magnetic compass. The Magnetic Compass In order to adjust a magnetic compass to due or true north and toward the geographic North Pole, one must know the amount of magnetic declination or variation that exists in a specific region. There are online maps and calculators available that provide the difference in declination between true north and magnetic north for every point on the globe. By adjusting ones magnetic compass based on the local magnetic declination, it is possible to ensure that ones directions are accurate. The Gyroscopic Compass The History of the Compass Compasses were originally developed when lodestones, a mineral that has naturally magnetized iron ore, were suspended above a board with the ability to pivot and turn. It was discovered that the stones would always point in the same direction, and align themselves with the north/south axis of the earth. The Compass Rose The 32 points were originally drawn to indicate winds and were used by sailors in navigation. The 32 points represented the eight major winds, the eight half-winds, and the 16 quarter-winds. All 32 points, their degrees, and their names can be found online. On early compass roses, the eight major winds can be seen with a letter initial above the line marking its name, as we do with N (north), E (east), S (south), and W (west) today. Later compass roses, around the time of Portuguese exploration and Christopher Columbus, show a fleur-de-lys replacing the initial letter T (for tramontana, the name of the north wind) that marked north, and a cross replacing the initial letter L (for levante) that marked east, showing the direction of the Holy Land. We still commonly see the fleur-de-lys and cross symbols on compass roses today, if not just the simple letter initials for the cardinal directions. Every cartographer designs a compass rose a little differently, using different colors, graphics, and even symbols. Multiple colors are often used simply as a means of easily distinguishing the many points and lines on a compass rose. 360 Degrees Uses of the Compass Most people use a compass casually, for instance with hiking or camping. In those situations, basic compasses like the thumb compass or other orienteering compasses that are clear and can be read over a map are suitable. Many casual uses where travel is over a short distance require basic markings for cardinal directions and a basic level of understanding compasses. For more advanced navigation, where large distances are covered and a slight variation of degrees would offset your course, a deeper understanding of compass reading is required. Understanding declination, the angle between true north and magnetic north, the 360 degree markings on the compass face, and your course-of-direction arrow combined with individual compass instructions requires more advanced study. For simple, easy-to-understand, beginners instructions on how to read a compass, visit compassdude.com.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Research questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Research questions - Assignment Example That is when I thought social media could actually be an opposite of social and does not make people sociable. Information on this will be easily gathered from my peers and other internet resources. After watching the movie â€Å"John Doe Vigilante,†I was left with too many unanswered questions after I got some enlightening from the movie. The vigilante at some point, in police custody and awaiting court’s verdict, asks where we draw a line between a vigilante and soldiers. They all work for a noble course, but a vigilante will be prosecuted for fighting for the justice of those that the system cannot do justice. In war, many innocent people suffer, including women and children. When do we justify the work of our soldiers as a noble course, where do we draw the line? War journals and articles discussing aftermath of war will be a good place to start while looking for information on this topic. Whenever we do a module that deals with Gender equity and gender equality, I cannot help but think that these two terms are contradictory. In our definition, Gender equity implies to efforts of allocating resources, decision-making, and programs fairly to both females and males and addressing any imbalances on sex basis. Gender equality means all sexes are equal. There is, therefore, contradiction in that we give some sexes what seems to be a free pass to address the imbalances and at the same time, assert that all sexes are equal. Shouldn’t all sexes be treated by order of merit? Should there be posts such as Women Representative in some governments? The internet will be an ideal place to gather information on this
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